• RoBook Digital Publishing Solutions company

    RoBook is a full-service digital publishing company, based in Germany, that targets in particular, authors, publishers, retailers and their international and local supply chain partners.


    What do we do in detail?

    We provide online tools, services, and support for the digitization, distribution and efficient marketing of digital products. Our software-as-a-service solution, based on multifunctional metadata management tool, and licenses management tool providing a consistent way for authors, publishers, retailers and their supply chain partners to communicate rich information about their products, using the international standard as product information in electronic form “ONIX”.

    RoBook has higher efficiency streamlined and automated processes, with an ability to direct distribution, marketing, plus faster sales collection from different platforms with utmost transparency. RoBook provides, through its related services, producing, distribution, management and marketing of all types of eBooks and Audiobooks, in a friendly user environment supported by reports system. The Arabic, Persian, Kurdish languages are the mainly targeting groups which are supported by our online tools and digital publishing services.


    Eintritt ins Programm: Februar 2018, Frankfurt

    Kontakt: Hasan Alhelwani, hasan(at)robook.de

  • News

    Der Weihnachts-Newsletter: Schöne, nachhaltige und faire Ideen und Produkte unserer Social Startups - Viel Spaß beim entdecken!



    Social Impact Adventskalender startet *** Social Innovation. NOW: Unser 1. Podcast ist online *** Rückblick Zukunftscamp 2019



    Global Goals Lab: Kommt zu Zukunftscamp am 8. November & bewerbt euch bis 15. November für die Challenge! *** Social Impact bespielt Innovationspark auf der ConSozial



ChancenNutzer war bis Juli 2020 ein Projekt von Social Impact und wurde gefördert von der JPMorgan Chase Foundation.