• Active Brothers

    We work mainly with start-ups, young companies and artists and replace the need for an internal media team. Our goal is to bring every project to the highest quality standards, using our "know-how" and commitment to the craft industry.


    We understand that there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to meaningful content. Every brand is different and every unique vision is sacred. We are committed to providing unique solutions. Plan your idea with us and we will help you to realize it. We can help you find your voice and create your visual identity so that you can not only reach your audience, but connect with them as well.

    Tell us what kind of photo shoot you are looking for and we will recommend a custom shoot.

    Film production
    A 1-2 minute commercial that you can share with your family, friends or clients. Present all the special moments of your day in a cinematic trailer. This might also include highlights from your special event.

    We work with our clients, from years of experienced media companies to newcomers, to change their media content.


    Entry into Programme: June 2019, ChancenNutzer Frankfurt

    Contact: Katharina Löbl, activebrothers(at)outlook.com 


  • [Translate to EN:] News

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