• Aisha Camara - Konzept, Idee & Wort

    Aisha Camara is a freelance communication consultant living in Frankfurt am Main. She advises public institutions, societies and companies in strategic communication issues.


    There is no communication whithout the right concept behind it. That's why it doesn't really matter if new clients have a certain idea in their minds or not. The questions remain the same: Who are you? What are you trying to say? To whom? And how does all that fit with your overall strategy? As a freelance communication consultant, I summ up the relevant message in a nutshell. 

    Born in Columbia, raised in Guinea, at home in Frankfurt. Doesn't match? You bet. That is why internationality and migration are my main topics.


    Contact: Aisha Camara, hey@aishacamara.com

    Entering the program: June 2017, ChancenNutzer Frankfurt

  • [Translate to EN:] News

    Der Weihnachts-Newsletter: Schöne, nachhaltige und faire Ideen und Produkte unserer Social Startups - Viel Spaß beim entdecken!


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    Social Impact Adventskalender startet *** Social Innovation. NOW: Unser 1. Podcast ist online *** Rückblick Zukunftscamp 2019


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    Global Goals Lab: Kommt zu Zukunftscamp am 8. November & bewerbt euch bis 15. November für die Challenge! *** Social Impact bespielt Innovationspark auf der ConSozial


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ChancenNutzer war bis Juli 2020 ein Projekt von Social Impact und wurde gefördert von der JPMorgan Chase Foundation.