• nevaal

    neeval develops software that enables investors to screen start-ups quickly and efficiently. This creates more funding opportunities and distributes resources to start-ups that create economic value.


    In 2017, German venture capital providers received 50.000 enquiries from start-ups. This corresponds to more than one request per day per investor. Filtering out the promising start-ups from this flood of inquiries is extremely difficult for investors and leads to the capital flowing to the start-ups that have the loudest voices.  

    nevaal has made it its mission to put start-ups into the spotlight that really add value to our society. To guarantee this, we are developing software that makes the screening process for investors as quick and as easy as possible - so that everyone gets their turn to shine.


    Entry in Programme : October 2018, ChancenNutzer Frankfurt

    Contact : Prachi Jain, prachi.jain@nevaal.com


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