We bring deaf people from all over the world together! Travel in a group with a deaf guide, support in sign language for individual travelers or just get inspired - deaf people will meet their needs at SIGN TOURS!


    Through my deaf parents I know quite well that many deaf and hard of hearing people have fears, respect or sometimes too little motivation to fulfill their travel dreams. Missed announcements in public transport hubs, difficulties to order a taxi, insecurities because of difficulties in communication with a hotel or fear of the language barrier are just a few of the reasons. 

    What completely is missing is the most intense experiences you can take away from such a journey - the exchange with locals and their cultures. How do people live? What is their everyday life like? To realize that the world and its cultures are much bigger than what you know - that is exactly what we aim for.

    We offer trips in sign language. The tours are accompanied by at least one sign interpreter. The trips are planned in such a way that no details are missed and there is enough time for photos and immersion in the surroundings, as well as the interpreter has enough time to translate and present the surroundings at the same time. Our consultations take place via Skype, chat or messenger via video in sign language - also for individual journeys such as e.g. honeymoons. We already plan visits of local deaf people during our tours (e.g. schools, associationsetc.). In the future we will work with local deaf travel guides to get even closer to the local people and to promote local interaction. 


    Entry into Programme: September 2019, ChancenNutzer Frankfurt

    Contact: Marcus Messer, marcus(at)sign-tours.de 


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