• YaweBuna

    YaweBuna aims at making the trade in coffee between Ethiopia and Germany more fair through local coffee roasting and coffee refinement in Ethiopia. The local and sustainable coffee roasting process is supposed to create an added value for the local economy and population in Ethiopia.


    The coffee roasting and refinement project YaweBuna aims at enabling a fair and sustainable coffee roasting process in Ethiopia (medium-term) and East Africa (long-term) that benefits the local economy and population.

    With YaweBuna we aspire to encounter unfair trade relations in the coffee industry in which unrefined coffee, Ethiopia’s most valuable resource, is mainly exported and then refined and roasted abroad. The refinement process abroad leads to an added value to the coffee product since refined coffee can be sold at a higher price. Since only the cultivation of coffee takes place in Ethiopia but the refinement and processing are done abroad most of the profits go to foreign companies, instead of benefitting the local economy and population.

    In this sense, YaweBuna wants to promote fair trade coffee manufacturing through local roasting, refinement and marketing processes. Due to Germany being one of the biggest coffee exporters worldwide and green coffee being Ethiopia’s most valuable export resource, we hope that a knowledge exchange between these two countries can counter unequal trade relations in the coffee industry and create workplaces in a sustainable manner. Furthermore, an exchange of know-how in the field of refinement and quality control of coffee between the two countries will ensure a transparent and ecofriendly refinement and manufacturing process of coffee from which both countries could benefit.


    Entry into Programme: July 2019, ChancenNutzer Frankfurt

    Contact: Bleen Abraham und Fabiola Mallach, yawebuna(at)posteo.de



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